How Can We Help?
Do you have a greater purpose, you can help humanity, you have spiritual abilities?
Just looking to increase your mystical & magickal knowledge?
We offer many on-demand spiritual courses and metaphysical classes to help you along your path.
Watch our FREE Soul Empowerment Course presentation
You will discover 5 simple shifts about: Why your energy is completely scattered and what you can do to be fully connected to Divine Source.
Soul Empowerment Courses
These courses can help you discover who you are, what your purpose is, and understand your abilities to improve your life and those around you.
Metaphysical Classes
Various single classes to help you along your spiritual path, from divination to past life regression.
Magickal Studies
The Magi Alumni is on-demand magickal education that provides seekers of Witchcraft, Magick and Spirituality classes that will help you grow as a magickal practitioner.